about me

About me

Hi Y’all, I’m Elaine Marlowe Mitchell. I started this blog because I love fashion, cosmetics, and everything that is new to make us older women look and feel great.

I am 76 years old, and I love life. That wasn’t always the case. I’ve had my share of ups and downs, depression, lack of money, loneliness, and disappointment. I think most people will agree that life can be confusing at times.

When I turned 50, it was a turning point. I decided to change my life. I was determined that no matter what life offered I was going to design a life that was fabulous. It was going to be the best life possible… on my terms. It didn’t happen overnight. But with some work and encouragement from wonderful friends, it worked. Wrinkles happen but also with age comes wisdom, what a gift.

There are many, many wonderful blogs for older women, most cover fashion and make up only. I wanted something different. A discussion about travel, decorating, issues that come with age, dating relationships, sex, and some rather intimate subjects along with fashion and makeup.

Every Monday morning, expect to see “Tip of the Week” and a new blog. The tip of the week will be a short subject about something interesting and helpful. The blog will be about more detailed subjects.

And I’d love to hear from you. What works, what doesn’t work.

Let’s take this journey together as this could be the most extraordinary chapter of our lives.

My Top Points

Inspiration: What inspires you? What is your passion? Create a life plan.

Fashion: What’s in, what’s out. What works, what doesn’t.

Relationships: How to meet someone after 50. What to expect. Meeting, dating, sex.

Beauty: What’s new for hair, skin, nails. How about plastic surgery. Should you explore Botox or Restylane filler? What about wigs, or extensions. What diet is the best.

Home: Decorating, downsizing, recipes. Your home is your sanctuary, make it beautiful.

Life: Travel, restaurants, museums, going to a concert, taking a class, going to a lecture, sports, dancing and the lists goes on.

My Biography

I lived in New York for many years with a career in theatre. I also dabbled in Real Estate, Retail and Hospitality.

After covid the city just didn’t feel the same and I felt it was time to move back home to Richmond, Virginia to be with family. I feel it was a good decision. There comes a time when a more peaceful life is in order. Now I said peaceful, not boring. Richmond offers a plethora of restaurants and culture.

My passion is fashion. I prefer natural materials such as cotton, silk, linen and wool. I love to mix colors and materials. I also love cosmetics and the wonders that can bring.

Besides shopping, I love reading, cooking, decorating, music, movies, theatre, ballet and spending time with my family and friends. I belong to several clubs and organizations. The Lambs, and the Episcopal Actors Guild to name a few and I attend St. Albans Anglican Church in Richmond, Virginia.

Why the Strange Title?

Why the strange title and what does it mean? Well, I titled it Operation Bond girl because most of my generation grew up with James Bond. And of course, the only really James Bond was Sean. I dreamed of being a Bond girl, beautiful, sexy and very independent. Sylvia Trench, Pussy Galore and Vesper Lynd to name a few. In any case, I think it’s a fun thought.


I can be reached via email at renamarlowe@hotmail.com


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This is my personal blog. Everything I talk about works for me. These things may not work for you. Try things, explore, investigate. First and foremost, check with your doctor before starting any diet or exercise program.